About Me

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Wife, Mother, Mimi, lover of all things creative... sewing, embroidery, painting, collage... God and family are the most important things in my life.

Monday, May 24, 2010


My sister-in-law and her husband came for a visit this weekend and we had a great time together. We always do! Listen, we can have a good time shopping for swimsuits, can you do that? We make it fun by trying them on and laughing at each other, it's a riot! Do we buy swimsuits when we are together? Of course not! We can never find that one that makes us thirty pounds lighter and twenty years younger so we go home empty handed but smiling nonetheless over the fun we've had.

This time we loved on all the grands. Lucy introduced them to glowing gummy worms which were so gross the oldest kids wouldn't eat them. She usually brings really loud obnoxious toys which the kids adore and all adults hate, hide and secretly dispose of at the first opportunity. Thank you, Lucy, for not doing that this time!!! Sweet Cheeks is so impressed with Lucy that she has crowned her Cinderella.

Saturday we were at a department store shopping when we were nabbed by a salesclerk and coerced into doing a makeover. We took before and after shots which are horrible and fuzzy, but I'm going to show them to you anyway, because I have no shame. We tried our best to look like outlaws in the before shots so the transformation would look miraculous indeed. Sad to say, I'm still not that impressed with the transformation in the photos, but we really had a good time!


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