I am a slob. There, I said it. I don't like the fact, and I don't mean to be it's just that I like stuff, and well, stuff takes up space, and space runs out, and I don't like to part with my stuff.
I've been cleaning for the past two days because we are having company Tuesday. Yes, it does take me five days to get ready for someone to stay at my house. Why, you ask? I already told you: I am a slob!!! I'm not the dirty kind of slob. You won't find half eaten food or grotesque garbage lying around. It's more stacks of books, too much clutter, cabinets that won't close, that sort of stuff.
I have a basket by my bed with journals, spiral notebooks, magazines, a Bible, drawing books and a few pens. I started cleaning it out and was appalled when I counted twenty various journals or notebooks by my bed alone! All but two were written in, most at least half full of various thoughts as scattered as my house. Prayers, poems, thoughts, notes, grocery list, to do list, math problems, and stories all in the same book. Some have writing in the front and toward the back with at least fifty blank pages in between. Now in my defense they are in a basket, not scattered all over the floor, and they did not all originate by my bed. I think last time I had company I found them on bookshelves, by my chair in the living room, and by the computer and combined them all and put them into a basket so I could use them all up before starting any more, but TWENTY!
The sad part is that is only one area of my sloppiness. There are more, like dishes. I love dishes, mostly vintage, mostly cups and saucers, and tea pots, and pitchers, and nesting bowls, alright, alright all dishes. They don't have to match, or even have a color scheme (although I am partial to red or jadeite.) They are in every room of the house, yes, including the bathroom. I don't need anymore dishes. My cabinets are full and I don't even use some of them. I don't have that many plates though, really. So where do you put the food when the pantry is full of old stuff?
I know I need help. Is there a vintage anonymous? Or a support group for journal junkies? What about books? Is it bad to have thirty-three books along with the twenty journals by your bed? Who only reads one book at a time anyway?