For the last several years my daughter and her family have sent out a Christmas card with family photos. This year we tried a couple of times to take pictures for her cards. The last get together for this purpose left us with some pretty pictures, but it was getting mighty close to Christmas and since they went to the mountains for Christmas this year the cards just didn't happen. I thought I'd share some of those photos here. My son-in-law was still at work, and it was dark before he got home so I didn't get any shots of him.
My daughter has the ones from our first try on her camera. It was late that day and cloudy to boot, so I don't think many of them turned out. It was quite a fiasco as we were trying that day to depict a nativity scene with various children as Mary, Joseph, baby Jesus, and angels. Our littlest angel kept making a run for it, Joseph's clothes kept falling off, the other kids kept making funny faces, and the dog was determined to stand in as a stable mate, and he wanted center stage. It would have made a hilarious video. I did get a little clip of part of it, but I couldn't figure out how to get it from the phone to here. I'm not very tech savvy.
Anyway, here a few of my favorites from our last little try.