Okay, I don't really believe in luck at all, but I was extremely fortunate enough to win Ruby Jean's giveaway for a $50.00 gift certificate to Precious Pastimes.
I choose two pieces with my gift certificate, and they both came in today! The packaging was so charming I almost didn't want to open them. Thankfully, my camera was in my purse so you can see what I mean.
Inside the package was darling too, but best of all the craftsmanship (Is there such a thing as craftswomanship? Oh, never mind.) of the pieces themselves is wonderful.
I am drawn to vintage things, and the incorporation of old typewriter keys is what I love most about these two pieces. If you like them as much as I do you should visit Precious Pastimes. Who knows you might find someone on your Christmas list something really special. There are so many different pieces. Go look around and see which one you like best.
If you like winning things as much as I do you should check out Ruby Jean's blog. It seems she's always giving something beautiful away.
She has an Etsy shop as well with the most amazing aprons, skirts, bags, and various other items that you just might want to add to your Christmas wish list. It is getting to be that time you know. Here is a sampling of just one of her darling aprons:
Congrats on the win!!! You made out well!